Mei and Tyla recently attended the Australasian Crystallography School, held at the Australian Synchrotron.

During a packed week of lectures, workshops, and many, many structure refinements, they connected with other crystal-loving students, post-docs, lecturers and AS staff, including former Sumby-Doonan group member Dr Rosie Young, now a beamline scientist on the MX beamlines!

Both Mei and Tyla were awarded Maslen Scholarships, through SCANZ, to attend this event.

AuthorJack Evans

Thomas, Mei, and Tyla visited the Australian Synchrotron last month to perform experiments on the Powder Diffraction beamline. After a long few days of experiments they collected excellent data for Thomas’ PhD project, studying the structural changes in MOFs for the conversion of carbon dioxide into methanol. It was great to have the opportunity to visit the Synchrotron (some for the first time!) and work with the fantastic beamline scientists.

AuthorJack Evans

The group was well represented at the recent MOF2024 conference in Singapore, with spectacular posters from Thomas and Rashid, as well as a presentation from Christian to a packed audience! Our friends from the Evans groups also attended with Jack presenting at the Young Investigator’s Symposium, and Konstantin showing an excellent poster.

Our group thoroughly enjoyed the fantastic science, as well as the sights and foods of Singapore!

AuthorJack Evans

It has been a busy start to 2024 for the group!

We farewelled Pol Gimeno-Fonquernie, who has returned to Spain to take up a Post-Doctoral position at ICMol - Universidad de Valencia. Pol presence will be sorely missed in the group (particularly at late-night synchrotron trips) but we wish him all the best in his new role!

Some of Pol’s PhD work on zirconium MOFs has recently been published, including this cover showcasing some local wildlife!


In addition, for 2024 we have welcomed back Tyla Jones to embark on a PhD with the group! Tyla’s PhD will involve studying In Crystallo Chemistry in Metal-organic Frameworks.

AuthorJack Evans

Thomas has had another poster triumph, at the SA RACI Physical, Materials, and Polymer Chemistry Symposium, held earlier this week.

Thomas presented his work on Green Methanol Synthesis using MOF Derived Catalysts conducted as part of the Future Fuels CRC.

Congratulations Thomas!

AuthorJack Evans